A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Poppies and Bugs

It was sunny all day! It does make a difference.

I had a slightly better night last night, at least 3 or 4 hours sleep. I'm beyond fretting about that because I know I can nap during the day if I need to although on sunny days like today it does seem a waste.

A few minor things achieved during the day.

I am mentally adjusting to doing the exercises more than once a day, or lets just say I'm working on it.

An ornamental hedge around a crab apple tree needed cutting to maintain its shape. Out came the hedge trimmers and I gave it a good haircut. By the time I had finished the lad next door came home from work, we chatted a while then he went inside with a message from me to his mum. He was back 5 minutes later offering to help. I'm not 100% sure if he had been sent back out but either way he was a willing helper. It saved me bending over to collect all the clippings.

I managed to sit in one of our Adirondack chairs (my bruising and stiff knee  has prevented me until now). It was then I captured the poppy and bug shot. It did get too hot to stay out there thought.

Extra: In the afternoon I took my scooter out for a test run to the nearest supermarket. As I'm bending my knee a little more I was able to sit on it using the 'easy rider' footrest. The scooter is a road version so a little too big to drive around the shop but I can use it on footpaths at 1/2 speed. In the shop I walked and queued just using one stick. I'm at the stage I can move about the house and garden without sticks but need to be careful.

No doubt I might find out tomorrow if I over did it today. Again I will rest if I need to but will not sit still too long.

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