Kerfot Valley

Alice had trouble going to sleep last night. At one point, she came back down and asked "When will I be able to go back to Kerfot school?" I answered honestly - I don't know. Gosh, it's sad.

A very foggy start to the day, but the sun soon burnt it off and it's been gloriously hot and sunny.

A knock at the door this morning. It was the man-who-works-so-hard-all-the-time-looking-after-the-village. Presumably, the lovely lady at the local bar told him we were looking for someone to look after the garden after we leave. I'm so pleased he's going to do it for us. There's no-one better :-) It also seems somehow appropriate that a man called "André" will be looking after our garden. (You would like him Dad). I showed him around the garden, and gave him a key to the garage. Excellent. Our boat journey home is booked too, so we'll be leaving on the 20th of August. So, Mum's birthday present will be...... us! :-)

This afternoon, Alice went for the last time to the local heritage organisation's children's activities. This time in Kerfot, in a green valley just immediately behind her school. Claudia the nice bibliotèque lady greeted us enthusiastically ("le chat arrive!"), and the other lady too, commented on it being Alice's last time. Yes, Alice had dressed as a cat again. It was good that several of her school friends were there, and they were very pleased to see her again. Lolita especially. Alice certainly knows how to make an entrance! (Photo). Notice how everyone just stands and looks :-)

While she was there, I went home and mowed the lawn....again. I`m hoping it will stop growing so much now!

When I went to pick her up, we said our thanks and goodbyes to the ladies there. Alice and I had a walk around the valley there, before driving into Paimpol and taking a walk all around the harbour (over the lock gates). There was a beautiful old traditional sailing boat from the Netherlands, and on the opposite side, 22 expensive looking modern motor boats.....from Guernsey. Yes, 22 ! I didn't count them, I took their word for it :-) It was nice to see all the Guernsey flags & ensigns, but I'd rather have sailed in the traditional boat I think.

We stopped on the way home for tea at McDo's. We had a minor catastrophe (it seemed like a major one at the time though) on the way home when Alice's McDo's balloon flew out of the window at about 80kmph.

I hope we have an uneventful drive to collect M from Dinard tomorrow. 2 weeks has been a long time.

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