today but it took me quite a long time before I actually dived in.
Then is was still very cold and only after some minutes I liked it. Piet Hein is harded, he always was, but Mischa took her time too.
We came to the beach after 5 pm. avoiding the rush.
In the morning I had cycled to the Uithof, to have a look at the storks, at first I saw the mother stork and one baby, high upon the nest, later father came flying, he had new grass in his bill.
In the reeds around the pond I saw the dragonflies, frantically flying and never stopping for a moment. Many damselflies too, but they paused, holding themselves on the stems while the wind blew.
Back home Mischa came and we drank coffee and started to work on her short story. The warm weather made me lazy and I had a nap before continuing.
The cold sea water freshed me up.
Now a pizza will be prepared and we'll be able to eat on the balcony. Summer is here.

My haiku:

Finally summer
Otherwise loud sounds subsided
Quiet balm for the soul

And the italian proverb:

He/she who buys the broom can also buy the handle.

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