
By Paladian


Or, as it has been described to me (by our Parish Priest no less) - Another Bloody Church.

But what a church - Westminster Abbey.  Totally stoked to see that Adam Lindsay Gordon made it to Poet's Corner, and there is a memorial to Howard Florey.  I get a bit drawn to Australians who have been honoured.  We bought the extra tickets for the Queen's Jubilee Gallery and I'm glad we did.  Another wonderful exhibition of things unbelievably old and rare.

Lunch was at the Abbey cafe, delicious, healthy and super fresh.  I tend to experiment a bit when we are out, and so ordered a vegan salad.  I'm not vegan but it's so interesting to see what people are doing with fresh vegetables these days.  Peas and broad beans are newly in season in the UK.  Yummy!!

After Westminster, another visit to the wool store in Pimlico.  I can really recommend this place if you are in London; very friendly owners, but they don't crowd you; and let you browse and plan to your hearts's content. (Not a bit like the store in Venice). They asked me if I had a wool store close by to where we live - I said yes, it's called the Internet!  That raised a laugh.

I love London I really do - there's nowhere else on earth like it - and I'm not really a city person at all.

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