Sprout lover

By robharris35

Do povo americano

From the American people.

Today I donned a shirt acquired from the Maputo office, produced by one of the US government-funded projects that works in the Greater Limpopo landscape, a collaboration between Mozambique and South Africa. The main US funding agency always ensures the slogan ‘from the American people’ is printed on all its materials, translated into whatever language is appropriate.

T-shirts and shirts emblazoned with project logos and slogans are regularly thrust into my arms, in Mozambique less so than in Tanzania. It seems like my Tanzanian colleagues are all experts in sewing and embroidery because the quality of the material, colour palette and stitching on my shirt were much admired by colleagues throughout the day. US taxpayers should be content to know that project materials produced using their taxpayer dollars are being highly admired across the African continent.

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