Roadside Thistle

Well I feel as if I have lost a day. My Mum phoned last night to say she felt really ill and didn't think she would last the night. Daughter C and I went to see her and when we arrived we could see she was really ill so I phoned NHS 24 at 10.15 pm. It took till 1.30am for the ambulance to arrive. We got back home and to bed around 3am. Just as I was dropping off to sleep, I thought' I didn't do my blip' ! I didn't comment much either so sorry everyone but Mum looked a bit better today. C and I went a walk with Millie this morning , it was very windy so C had to shelter the thistle with her body to try and stop it moving for me! What Blip is doing to us all is unbelievable!
I did sell a painting today! It will get spent on brushes and more paint!

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