Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Nice to see these are back. I bought the bush last year at the Council nurseries, mind you, thought I'd bought red ones, maybe they change colour, I can't remember. There look to be a reasonable number of berries on the plant which is good.
Lots of the garden is coming to life. Fruit is starting to form on the apple and pear trees. Berries are appearing on the blackcurrant, blueberry, raspberry, gooseberry and there are even a few flowers on the stray strawberry plants which escaped the cull the other year. The runner beans are in and reaching for the sky as quickly as they can. The peas which were hiding at the bottom of my tray of beans are in, they'll be a bonus if they come to anything. The plants in the potato sacks are above the level of the sacks already. My two courgette plants from the reduced tray at Lidl have outgrown the kitchen window sill and need to go outside very soon. I guess when I'm asked if I grow much by the way of fruit and vegetables I may have to change my answer to yes!
It's Pentecost today, some call it the birth of the church, the day the Holy Spirit came on the disciples in Jerusalem. It is celebrated on the 50th day of Easter. So that's it, the end of our 50 days of unremitting Joy for another year. The church looked glorious in its red vestments today!
We've had a quiet day, Ali popped in with the girls which was lovely as always. Isobel phoned to say that her dancing team had come 1st and 2nd yesterday so she had two medals. Today was her gymnastics competition, she was disappointed not to win a medal there, as it was an individual event.
Tomorrow is an Edinburgh holiday, commemorating Queen Victoria's birthday we have the girls in the afternoon as both parents are working.

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