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By Puffin

A Ratty Tale

A spendid day orienteering. I manned ( womanned) the Enquiries tent Caught up with lots of friends ,  Had quite a successful (for me) meander round the woods with a map and compass. More chatting. Back home  for a pub lunch. Then feet up with a book. Gosh wasn't it hot. Realised I had not taken any photos at all. How did that happen?

Just about to post a picture of some garden flowers when Mr P came over triumphantly with a rat in the trap.  But.... the rat was dead.  This is supposed to be a humane  trap that leads to the rat being drowned in the water butt and thrown in the field for the foxes!!   But this rat is dead.  We realise the rat must have eaten some of the poison that Mr P put out. Feeling poorly it has wandered into the trap in search of easy food. The trap door shuts and the rat dies in the cage.  But now we can't chuck it in the field because the fox will get bad tummy ache and we dont want to kill the fox.  Mr Google tells us to double wrap it and put it in the household rubbish because that gets incinerated.   Sorry, Mr Fox

The location pin is the orienteering field for my record. It's not our garden!

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