Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

By First Light

The same rose flower as taken last Sunday.  This time it was caught by the first rays of sunlight to penetrate the garden in the morning.  Last year it would have been blocked by the neighbour's hedge, now thankfully removed.  We have noticed how much brighter the garden is now that sunlight can reach it on the first hours of the day.

We went around to L's mom's to do some gardening, removing a dead tree and also lopping a yucca that had grown up to 10 feet high.  The only problem was trying to remove the leaves of the yucca afterwards, a mammoth task as they stubbornly refused to be cut using shears of secateurs.  In the end I got the hedge trimmer on them and literally sawed through the trunk at various points so we could get it to a reasonable size for disposal.

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