
By Ridgeback13


I must have been tired! Although I woke briefly just after 5.30am I went straight back to sleep til 8.30 and, once I’d trekked down 2 flights of stairs and made a big cup of tea then trekked back up again I stayed in bed reading the papers and talking to A until after 10am. Lovely to see more blue skies and sunshine and so after I’d put some washing on and had a shower I just sat outside soaking it up and relaxing. I hung the washing out when it was done and then mowed the long grass under the climbing frame as Mt had missed that when he did the rest of the lawn, and walked to M&S to get some bread and things for lunch then came home and did some more relaxing in the sun before driving over to N&G’s to collect the weans.
We chatted in the garden for a while, catching up on holidays and plans and work and families, then had supper with them and the kids whilst Higgs begged me to throw his ball incessantly the whole time. We lit some candles and sang happy birthday to H, then sent the video to them ….sounds like they’re having a great time in Sardinia at their deluxe hotel.
Home and they each had a last bit of weekend screen time before homework, teeth and bed. We looked through Ripley’s book of weird facts for a while….Mx was full of wonder, especially about the frog found living in a big fish’s mouth and the tornado that sucked up and spread a fire
I watched the first episode of the new Bridgerton series and then Rylan and Rob in Florence which was odd since they were standing looking at exactly the statues we saw in the Bargello only yesterday (can it have really been only yesterday?!)

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