
By WeeDragon


This little one dropped down the back of the toilets from the nest above upstairs bathroom (almost annual occurrence it seems!)

Lifted the floor
Closed the door & left
It popped up
I couldn't catch it
It went down the side of the sink
Neighbour help (I) with a fab change angle torch & a garden cane
Between the 2 of us got it up onto the sink, on the windowsill
It went out but landed on pavement
Loud squawking!
A crow went for it
Rescued & put in the back garden tucked into the clematis
Extra strong tea
Floor back down
Bathroom cleaned

Topped up the feeders as the starlings always gorge off them. Heard other birds in the garden so hopefully after a rest from the shock it went with them. The crows & magpies have been hanging around as the baby starlings are so noisy!

Jingle jangly feeling after handling birds.

Hopefully no more falls down the back.

Unrelated but washing machine broke too! Glad I was in too as able to unplug it safely. Going to be an expensive year!

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