added cellulose

Yesterday Nicky took an ersatz Tupperware container from the kitchen worktop containing a couple of weeks' worth of vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, teabags and other various non-meat food-wastes away to her allotment and returned with it filled with vegetables, claiming when questioned to have washed out the tub before refilling it. Rhubarbs and strawberry both repel me but I might stick some radish in a sandwich with some of the lettuce and a tomato. The anti-pigeon netting over the strawberry/raspberry section is apparently now complete (rather than just being draped over the top and open at the side, though none of the incipient berries appeared to have been nibbled last week). I briefly thought that anti-pigeon netting might also be employed around a desk at work to deter intrusions from people visiting solely for the purpose of making unhelpful comments or asking extremely stupid questions, though such people are on holiday for the next couple of days so that I can get on with what I know I have to do rather than what they rashly promised someone I'd do even though it's of far lower priority.

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