Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Don't Cut The Grass

A beautiful sunny day, warm and the slight breeze from the loch ensured that there were no midges.Didn't risk a change in the weather , though , so had a liberal covering of Smidge , the best midge repellant I have ever used.

The point of being in the garden today was to cut the grass ( I Icould have said
" Mow the lawn" but that would be kidding myself. More like a shinty field with wild grass and moss everywhere. )

It seemed as if the wonderful array of insects were conspiring against me and taking me away from my task. So many beauties all posing perfectly , just begging to be blipped. The grass cutting did get almost done before it started to rain. I reckon I would have finished it had I not spent so much time stopping to blip all the insects. Off course you don't just take a quick blip, well i don't . I spent ages every time I stopped trying to get different angles etc.

Very pleased with some extreme close up shots, eyeball to eyeball with these tiny creatures. This damsel fly on the long grasswon the blip competition for uploading tonight as I was sure quite a few of my good blipper friends do not share my enthusiasm and fascination for all the hairy , gory looking faces insects have close up. At least this blip is sort of pretty.

LARGE is actually quite pretty as well , not as grotesque or scary as my usual insect close ups can be. Lots of detail as well.

Came in after the rain and watched the women's final. Bartoli, whose style of tennis i don't really admire, came across very well after the game, finally got a chance to see she is quite a charming and friendly person. felt sorry for Lusiki as she was so nervous and uptight, came back really well in that second set.

Roll on tomorrow for the big final. Would Love Andy to win , but I won't be too upset if he doesn't as I really like Novak as well. Love his personality as well as his style of play.Just hope both play really well and give us a edge on our seats set final.

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