
By Ellaphant

Windmill, 'Theodorus', Blitterswijck

'Blitterswijck' = 'Blitters-wike'  (not 'Blitterswidge')

What a miniscule spot to locate.  A few roads are under construction, so I turned around in circles despite GPS.

Once again, traffic elsewhere prompted me to come here.  There's a little restaurant beneath the mill.  The mill itself was built in 2006.  It had its back to the sun, as you'll see in the extra.  And to think that this was Plan B as Plan A was also facing awkwardly.  That's one thing cloud radar will not tell me -- in which direction the mill will be facing, even if there is an indication of wind direction.  Ah... but I managed a neat close-up nonetheless, n'est ce pas?  The restaurant was still closed although I could see personnel moving about, so no chance of a snack, but never mind.  I am wondering if the windmill was built for the restaurant as its function is to generate electricity.  Quite a modern function!

The usuals back home.  Thankful for an unexpected trip.

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