
By tookie

Crimson and Cover

Until I first saw Lobiz’s blip the other day I’d never heard of red crimson clover fields here. So then I read DDon’s blip remarking that there were so many fields of them this year . So I read where I should go and this afternoon after appointments we headed out to follow a scenic Oregon tour route through the Tualitin and Willamette valleys. And we were rewarded and saw many beautifully planted fields of them. I’ll put a few more pictures in the extras
Since my MVA in March 3rd I’ve had lots of shouder work done and finally got the MRI-/ medical system grinding along slowly.
Results are a rt torn rotator cuff which is what we all suspected. I had a torn left one in 2001 that healed with a year of PT. I was hoping I could heal this one with PT too. The surgical consult feels it’s not possible with this one. I was pretty upset and bummed out as that’s a long arduous rehab. I’ve decided to try PT first for awhile and begin tomorrow as well as continuing other therapies. I’m going to try non aggressive PT and nit do anything that I feel fitter tears it if possible. It’s all a crap shoot but worth the try!!

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