TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

21/05/2024_Funny day off!

I’m using up holiday before I retire because selling it back incurs tax etc.
But the day was far from relaxing – my parents have had their first paid for clean and I had to go there a couple of times to help out.
Then Graham phoned to say he’d had a text message from the GP and could he make an appointment to discuss what they know so far so that a future diary note.
Then I collected an Amazin parcel from my parents to return it via the post office.
Then I sat down to really relax – but I got a panicky call from an unknown landline.  Somehow my sister had put her 3-year-old grandson in his car seat put the keys on the front passenger seat, shut the door and the car locked with her handbag and phone inside as well as Conor.
Whilst she got my mobile number (via my mum) a midwife from the centre observed Conor because he is non-verbal and the chaos could worry him.
I got her spare keys from her husband (she didn’t remember his mobile number and mum doesn’t know it) and “saved the day”.
This is my Whiter Shade of Pale rose which has gone rogue and is growing through a rescued Christmas tree.

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