
By Ridgeback13


Fairly straightforward set up for the day and got to school early again despite being sure I was late today!
After I dropped them off I popped round to Asda to pick up some things for supper and I’d hoped to find some bedding plants but no luck. In the end that didn’t matter too much as it started to rain soon after I got home and continued (or indeed worsened) throughout the day.
I spent some time doing the washing, tidying and hoovering that always seem necessary with small children around, then did some reading for a meeting this afternoon and more diary planning. The good thing for me about a wet day is that I don’t feel pulled in different directions by wanting to be outside in the sun as well as feeling like I have stuff to get on with indoors…I can just get on with one thing!
I had to go mobile in the middle of the afternoon meeting so I could collect the kids from school but managed to keep listening and contributing as I dodged the rain and wrangled them up the road!
They both seemed tired and just wanting to relax when they got back, and Mx was very upset that the teacher had told him his colouring in wasn’t very neat today and that she was going to show his Dad…
I settled them on the sofa and let them watch some daft films about making Minecraft games whilst I fed them toast and let them recover a bit, then later made a more successful dinner than yesterday including the wonders of chocolate mousse and strawberries which got wolfed down! Afterwards, now they were chirpy again we called Mt&H in Sardinia and they chatted and laughed and told them lots of nonsense and news. Mt&H seemed to be relaxing well and were just on their way out for a sunset dinner, although they barely got a word in given AR&Mx’s chat.
Once they were in bed, with Mx reading a book ‘Poo through the Ages’ which he thinks is brilliant, I made a cup of tea and settled down to Chelsea flower show and Sewing Bee.

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