
By JackyMT


Flowers against the old stone wall buttress 

How long and how many men does it take to mend a water leak on an outside stop tap. Well a week ago 2men took up the next door but ones stop cock grate they poked down for awhile. Went away then a man came and put barriers round it and footpath closed signs up. Then 2 men came back and dug a big hole left it open with water coming out making a stream down to the grate. They went away then 2 days later 2 men arrived and worked on it could have been the same two. Then it was the weekend so hole was left. Today a large wagon and 2 men came and filled the hole with rubble then a van with 2 men applied the tarmac. Later a van with 1 man came and removed the barriers and signs.

No wonder we pay big water rates.

A full but mild day. Heavy rain forecasted for tomorrow but it was a lovely sky tonight which usually means a good day

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