
By MovableParts

Tiny is Relative

I thought I had my Tiny Tuesday photo figured out when I found the mulberry tree in the deep river bosque (see extra).  Tiny bits of fruit, sustenance for a hungry hiker, were discovered where few people wander.

BUT THEN, my good fortune was exponentially compounded when I met Sebastian the owl and his falconer expert, Ben, in the Nature Center parking lot (it is very tree covered).  Sebastian, a rescue owl, is only two months old!!  TINY in age terms; he still maintains his downy feathers.

Oh my gosh, I can not believe my good fortune.  Sebastian was so very soft and fluffy.  Sebastian (after both being asked), allowed me to pet, to cuddle, a precious, untethered being. 

Ben explained to me the whole process required by New Mexico to become a certified Falconer = two years of study and then a test.  Now he must study with a Master for one year and then, Ben, too, will be a Master.

I am humbled

Thank you, Mark / Incredibish, for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

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