just be

By justbe

Through a screen, darkly.

Raven and Fianna were watching a baby rabbit, the size of my hand, munching away on clover right outside the screened piazza. I was sitting out with the cats, reading a text from my niece, Sarah. She was reporting two gorgeous foxes running through her yard, which is through the woods behind us. Around the same time, T saw three large deer walking along through our woods out back. I hope the baby bunny headed back to the burrow before the foxes got close.

Those two focused cats are not going to be happy tomorrow, it's their annual wellness exam. Ex-Feral Fianna is going to have a little sedation if we can get the pill into her, to make the trip less scary. Raven will be afraid, but has great social skills. Wish us luck. Trish is working from home, so we will have two sets of hands to get them into their travel cases.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and we had summer temps by afternoon. I bought geraniums to decorate graves of relatives for Memorial Day, on Monday.

All hands hoping the vet adventure goes well.

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