
By Ridgeback13


Mx woke a little early this morning so came into bed with me and we were chatting when he suddenly asked what parties the radio was talking about....I hadn't really been listening but realised it was politics so had to try and explain the various parties and MPs and etc to him...not easy when, although he's seen Westminster and the Houses of Parliament that was about the sum total of his understanding!
Of course later in the day when a drenched PM announced the election date, politics came up again (Mx decided he wants to vote for the 'liberty party'(?) because I believe in freedom'....fair enough!). I switched on the TV and they watched in bemusement as the news unfolded (top picture) - I suspect they weren't the only ones, including in Westminster!  They didn't engage for long though and soon returned to watching videos about building lego and then going to build some of the ideas themselves. They were also very taken with some videos about cats (what the internet was invented for, after all) and have decided to try making some with their own cat Tilly - I hope she's hiding in the garden tomorrow when they're home from school!
Once Mx was up he busied himself with drawing something and it turned out to be a card for his teacher saying sorry for yesterday - the criticism has obviously got to him (he's usually very good at school and prides himself on never getting told off). When we got to school (early again!) I had a chat to the teacher and she explained it wasn't his colouring per se that was the problem it was that the task had been to measure how much water was in various jug and then colour that amount onto a sheet with different outline jugs on it....ie a measuring task, that she said he seemed to have just guessed at quantities and then really inaccurately coloured them in. She was worried that she'd maybe overreacted a bit though when she saw how upset he'd been.....oh my goodness it's not easy being a teacher and holding all these different little souls in your hands each day!
Anyway, once I'd dropped them off I came home and chatted to someone about a potential new role that I'm interested in hearing about and then to VW about our next planned trip. Nice to catch up with her again and we made a fair amount of progress on thinking about the places we'd like to go.
Afterwards I headed out to Morrisons (everything seems quite a drive away around here - and garden centres are very sparse!) and managed to pick up some slightly boring but colourful bedding plants, then came home and got stuck into weeding the beds at the front of the house - a task that was much easier after all the rain yesterday. I got everything planted up just in time before the rain started again, then chatted to A as she waited to go and see her tutor whilst I made some late lunch. 
I had a quiet afternoon before collecting them, exploring options for our trip next year, then once we were all home again I made a clementine cake for Mt&H getting home tomorrow. Supper was nearly successful tonight, although AR objected to evidence of some broccoli having been cooked in the same pan as the pasta....I decided to explain it by saying I was saving energy as part of our responsibilities to the planet since I know she thinks that's important! Nevertheless she refused it for quite some time and only came back for it just before bed time when she said she was hungry. Mx on the other hand asked for supper early - as he said 'I'm hungry about 99.9% of the time'!
Showers and then bed, with Mx chattering on about making a model of the house in lego with everything inside made of lego 'even this water in the shower'....although he wasn't sure how he'd manage that!
Once they were in bed I avoided live TV for a while until Newsnight ...roll on 5th July!

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