
By Hillyblips

Still in Love With You

Still here after the torrential rain these last days and I've checked on my broad-bodied chaser hanging on and it was with trepidation that I gently touched his abdomen to see if he was actually still alive today. He was and I smiled with the hope he still might get away. A break in the clouds at lunchtime afforded a bit of warmth and for the first time he shifted round to warm up. And flew! Well done him!

More amusing first thing was the mouse. I thought I'd got the better of them but obviously not.  The Extra mouse in the clear pint glass was yesterday and I have to say with skill and dexterity managed against all odds to capture the rodent in a pint glass with no idea how I would keep it in there as I had it rammed hard against a cupboard wall. With many manoeuvrings I finally got a Tupperware lid on the exit, put it in the car - one hand on the wheel and one on the glass to make sure it didn't overturn whilst driving he was deposited unceremoniously further away. Job done I thought till this morning I opened the cupboard and there were two.

Now, with the best will in the world I wasn't going to repeat yesterdays victory but managed to catch with lightening moves - oh yes - one of them. Better prepared this time I had a lid to hand and he was driven in the Tupperware container to a field. The blurred container sides obviously disguising the route I took ...just in case.

Worked hard in the garden and then had to do an hours office work but all in all a good day.

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