Life through the lens...

By ValC


Maybe May but today feels like Winter!
However it has been fine until 7pm and is now drizzling. So you can see some rain on the hosta leaves.
Photographed before the slugs and snails eat holes in them all.

An early visit to the fish van.
Bought our usual currant teacake from the bakery for breakfast. They are so big we have one between two, Delicious toasted with lashings of butter. A very good 60p worth.
Then on to the farm shop.

This afternoon I have been catching up with the gardening. Planted runner bean seeds and peas.
Also moved the pots round.
Dead heading, cutting back and some planting.
Came in about 6pm. Fortunately an easy tea of smoked haddock fish cakes and mushy peas.

Hope it will warm up this Bank Holiday weekend.

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