Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Second Breakfast

After dropping Euan at Nursery this morning, we walked into Oxford and had a second breakfast at Gail's Bakery.  We sat outside to a backdrop of student protesters shouting, 'Let Them Go!' outside one of the University Buildings.  There were several police cars in evidence and it would seem from a later news report that sixteen people were arrested, apparently for trespass.  There were also encampments outside the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Radcliffe Camera, the latter displaying the number of students, professors, teachers and student reps who had died in Gaza, always sobering to see these statistics when directly relevant to the place.

We picked up some shopping once off the bus, had lunch back at the house and watched 'Race Across the World' until it was time to collect Euan.  On the way back through the park he decided he wanted to hang from the monkey bars awhile and cycle around the metalled area, and then he proposed games of hide and seek through the shrubbery, all of which took up another hour so he was pretty tired once we returned home.

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