
By spannarama


Blurry phone snap from the train window - it'll do!

Caught the DLR to Bank in the morning, and walked to work from there.  Had a good staff meeting day - lots of interesting sessions (and I gave one too, about the mental health awareness training I did recently, and taking a staff group forward on the subject).  Stayed for the mandatory hour of social at the end (I'd have stayed if it wasn't mandatory), then dashed off to catch my train(s) home.  Amazingly, they were on time and there were no issues at any point along the way - I even arrived into Barnstaple a couple of minutes early.  Tim picked me up there, and drove me home, and we decompressed with a glass of wine before bed :)  (Tim had done lots of driving today, as he'd also had a hospital appointment for his foot in Bideford.)

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