and through the wire...

By hesscat

Curiosity Soaked The Hesscat

Tonight Arlo and I ventured out for our evening walk, pretty sure it had not stopped raining all day, and headed for Arniston as usual. Even the main paths through the wilderness were flooded and the grass was all flattened by the weight of raindrops so curiosity got the better of me.... we effectlively combined 2 walks and we headed down to the road to nowhere, then back up through the glen and it was a change of clothes when I got home and another towel dry for Arlo.

Top left is a new river across the path forming a waterfall into the submerged waterfall, top right is the flooded not-beaver dam we visited a few weeks ago, bottom left is the corner where the rivers from 2 reservoirs meet which is submerged... I think this is where Arlo realised something was up as we always go there for a view... there's a fern still managing to stay upright, and bottom right is the terraforming beach. A few banks had been breached, trees had come down, new ponds formed just from the rainfall and I reckon it's up to 2-3 feet higher than normal. There was me thinking my wellies were done for the summer. It was quite fascinating and I'll be interested to see what's left if this ever stops.... oh, Saturday we get off I believe.

And all this because Rishi's called an election... I'm normally excited about elections but feeling nothing so far, even with the possibility of change... don't recall an election in the summer holidays before?

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