Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

12 Years!

Twelve birds to celebrate :):)

Where has the time gone?  

I would never have believed that I'd still be here 12 years later...

My first blip - this was Tigger, who was with me for 14 of her 16 years, before Billy (with me for 9 of his 16 years) and now of course I have Charlie who has just turned 16 :)

With very many thanks to Joe Tree who began blip way back then, and our FAB 4 who started the future, of course Blip Central and the Community Team of today.

And a special thank you to Grounded who started me off all those years ago!

Thanks too to all my lovely blip friends who ready my daily screeds...

(I was rather sad to see that there was not one duckling, gosling or cygnet today - I think in part to all the commercial activity going on and noisy motor boat manoeuvres even early morning.  I do wish these lakes didn't have all the commercial stuff and were real nature places (and the parking is shockingly now £2.45 per hour, so I never stay longer than an hour))

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