
By spannarama

Ilfracombe sunset

Another busy work day - but finally managed to tick a couple of things that had been on my list for a while.  We had a couple of plumbers come out today, to look at our leaky shower tray - got to wait for a quote from them now.  In the meantime, Tim very cleverly fit some flashing round the edges of the tray, to make it usable again.  Mark and Jay did a half day on the summer house - then stopped at lunchtime so poor Mark could go and see his chiropractor for his bad back.

I finished work shortly after 6pm, made dinner, and then we walked down to the Ilfracombe beer festival at the seafront.  Had a couple of pints (well, I had one, and Tim had three - that averages out at a couple) and listened to some live music.  Also wandered over to the beach, and then up above the theatre to watch the sunset.  Very beautiful it was, too.  Wandered back up the hill to home and sat in the front garden for a short while, before retiring indoors.

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