
By lesmark

Did you follow me...

...from Svalbard?

It was minus 5C there, then 25C at Hilsinki airport, followed by green lush countryside, trees and sunshine on the English coast. And this gull this afternoon sitting there as I went for a quick bit of fresh air along the shore, I'm sure I saw him in Longyearbyen yesterday too!

I think it's probably just the brain fog caused by the Covid Mark and I have succumbed to! Was it on a boat, in an airport, on a plane we picked it up? Nevermind! It's just really lovely to be home. And I was grateful to have an efficient supermarket delivery to the door and lovely family, neighbours and friends checking up on us. So we can just sleep it off and lounge about editing all our video footage from Svalbard in isolation for a few days.  Perfect!

Hope you're all enjoying a sunny weekend. 

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