
By JanetMayes

Maybe loganberry

Although I've spent time today thinking and talking about photography and sorting and editing photos, I realised at teatime that I had not taken any photos. I was out on the deck, feeding J chocolate icecream (and yes, I had a bit too), so as always in these moments I turned to the cats. Not bad, but not their best poses. The patio - progressing well but not yet finished - was another option but was almost entirely in shade at this time of day. This blossom belongs to a neglected plant in a pot on the deck. I bought it several years ago, cheaply from Wilko, but never organised a space in which to plant it. It's either loganberry or tayberry. My father grew wonderful loganberries, lots of them, and we ate them stewed with rhubarb, in jam with rhubarb, in crumbles and pies... They are rich and tasty, and I'd love to have some in the garden. Last year I weeded the pot and fed the plant; now it's rewarding me with blossom for this minimal level of care and attention, and really deserves to be growing along a fence in the fruit bed. 

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