Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse


Why 'stella'? Well because it's just the Latin word for star and is also a girl's name. Variations are Ella and Bella.

If I say the word 'star', I think of the stars in the sky.  A star is a luminous spheroid of plasma, held together by self.gravity. (Thank you Google).
The nearest star to Earth is the Sun.

All this chatter on a Sunday morning to show you the delicate star shape in the middle of one of my Geranium flowers which I captured with my macro lens this morning.

A tiny piece of information:
I once told my son, due to be born on December 23rd, that if he had been a girl, he would have been called Stella! "Oh no", he said. "Thank goodness I was born a boy and called Julien!"  He came two weeks' early on December 9th.  Of course, Stella is a perfectly pretty name for a girl!

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