Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Summers Arrived In The Dales

What a brill day out. It was a bit too warm especially for Mr B but the slight breeze took the edge off. You have to think a bit more about where to go on days like these. You don't want to go anywhere which will be too crowded. In pretty 'unique' and I don't think many people have the same mind set as mine. Thus I hardly saw anyone on my route. Parking at Clapham and basically walking home. Although it took six hours it was the quickest six hours ever. My legs didn't start hurting until I stopped about ten minutes from home when I met my neighbour and chatted to for a while. Looks like its going to stay hot for a while. But I don't like extremes, I hope it cools down soon.

And thats todays one through the looking glass

PS: Please don't do what I did and forget to put sun cream on the back if your legs! Ouch

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