
By cindy_ellis

pond lilies

Our pond pump failed while we were in WV. We bought a new one yesterday but have not had a chance to install it yet. Today was spent on the island mowing and trimming the grass. A large limb in the pecan tree came down and a large shrub uprooted. We have work waiting for us as soon as we can find a free minute. It must have been a bad storm to do that damage.
Hubby set the crab pots today while I worked in the garden. The zucchini and cucumbers are hanging on. The tomatoes look good but the peppers and beans are a total loss. I'll have to make a trip to the Amish greenhouse for new plants and seeds. I still have not planted the sunflowers but still intend to.
We had a nice garden salad and homemade pizza pie for dinner. Thanks for the visits, I'll try to catch up soon. God bless our fallen vets.

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