Oh I Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside

Ferd and me shared the paddling pool - why didn't we pick up his swimming pool *sigh*

Had hot dog and buns today.

Oh and hot cats too.

Discovered where I can get Ferd some doggie ice cream locally so will pop out and get him a treat tomorrow.

No wiiercise again, which is a good thing as I have a groin sprain so resting. I am actually half way through the 30 day challenge (we'll its going to take me more than 30 days) so I think I am doing pretty well but I fear that even the small amount I am doing is actually too much for me and my M.E - need to find the right balance between keeping the joints going, creating endorphins without opiates and not running my body down. I know that sounds mad, most people think exercise is always good and you build up your tolerance, sadly it doesn't work like that with ME. Wish I could afford to go swimming :(

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