
By scribbler

I don't give a fig!

The Roving Botanist visits the courtyard at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

Oh, I am so bad at species identification. This is a, er, tree full of flowers. The leaves look somewhat figgy to my untutored eye, but I've been coming here for nine years and I don't recall ever seeing figs.

Name That Tree contest.
First prize is a lovely 48-minute film of Latvian portrait photographer Inta Ruka, available online from Al Jazeera. (No entry necessary to win.)

To WHO It May Concern

Egged on by Bethanne with help from tsuken, I have finally ventured for the first time into the realm of the Doctor, spending three hours I could have put toward the finishing of my novel! I wish to announce that I will not be returning.

My light pen doesn't work and my TARDIS seems to be bigger on the outside than on the inside, prohibiting further time travel. It appears that Doctor Who is a taste best acquired in childhood, like lutefisk and haggis.

Speaking of the latter, Wimbledon congrats!

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