
By BendTheLight

The Mighty Avro Vulcan

Had a fabulous weekend at RAF Waddington, for the Waddington International Airshow.
The displays were fabulous, and some of them were out of this world!

Particular mention for the F-16, of which there were two - loud and extremely agile.
Then there was the Euro-Fighter, the Typhoon. Amazing plane, and it was almost not made due to "politics" it would seem.
The Chinook Helecopter - amazing! No one should be able to make a flying "bus" do the things that that plane was doing!

But, above all else, I went to Waddington to see, and hear, the Vulcan!
There is only one of these left that can fly. Fortunately they have had an extension on some of the parts required to keep it flying, but the chap from the "Vulcan to the Sky" project has stated that it WILL be grounded from 2015 as the engines will not be repairable any more, for definite.

It will be a sad loss when it stops flying. No longer will you hear that distinctive start-up whine, and the then the incredible sound as she takes to the air, which amazingly, ceases as the plane levels off for flight....


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