
I have blipped this juggler once before but this was a chance to see how the new camera coped with movement - and I'm pleased to say it worked well.

The juggler was managing to keep the clubs in the air - probably better than I will be able to manage my time this week.

This evening, a small group from the camera club are off to try photographing race horses at Ripon Races. Then tomorrow, in an unprecedented move, I will be off to the races for the second time in two days - this time to Pontefract where Gary is sponsoring the 3:30 race as a memorial to his parents.

If that is not enough activity for the week, we will fly off at some stupid o'clock on Wednesday morning, for a few days in Palma, Mallorca.

I must apologise, in advance, for any slippage in my blip activity between now and next week. I will try to keep up-to-date with my own blips and comment on everyone else's when I can.

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