Time to Celebrate

Early start to get over to Jen's auntie's to look after her 3 kids (Charlie, 7 years old, Jessie and Alfie - 3 year old twins). After only 5 hours sleep I was worried this might be tough but it was so much fun! I mean, it is always a winner, I am known as 'posh David' to them which is just brilliant.

We hung out at their house in the morning. They showed me their trampoline, I may or may not have had a go (I did!), Charlie showed me his Beavers uniform, Jessie called my sandals slippers, Alfie generally liked have having a cuddle. A good way to spend a morning

We dropped them off at their dance class just before lunch. We weren't allowed to watch (told in no uncertain terms by the teacher!). Once they were back we had a very tasty lunch and then off to Charlie's school fair, brilliant fun! I won a lolly and a bag of sherbet lemons. Had I not gotten this lovely picture of Jen and her Grandma then my blip would have been Charlie very pleased with the Styrofoam plane he had just won! On the way home we couldn't help but stop in for a quick drink at a nearby beer garden to enjoy a bit more of the sun.

We headed back to Jen's grandma for a chilled afternoon catching up with some of the family before heading out for a meal by Epsom Downs in the evening. A good evening of celebration with everyone for the birthday girl - Audrey.

We decided to walk home after the meal even though it was quite late. Nice to walk in the warmth after dinner out

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