
365 straight.....Wow.... never thought I would/could do it!

I love taking photographs ....I love the excitement and I love the challenge of getting the shot. This last year has proved a wonderful trail of discovery and although my photography skills have improved and I've learnt a lot I couldn't have done it without the support, advice and encouragement of the really friendly blip community! You talented lot are my inspiration! THANK YOU! It is what makes me get out especially on those grotty days and put the time and effort into getting a blip and go that extra mile to do better.

So thank you to each and everyone of you who has dropped by into my Journal, left comments, starred and hearted my efforts; made me laugh out loud, smile - even cry sometimes when reading yours. It is this which keeps me on my toes and keep posting, feeding my massive addiction to blip!

We used to keep peacocks here, Rameses and Nefertiti :)), for a few years until he bit a chunk out of my daughter's arm and then they had to go sadly. The neighbours could only celebrate at this point as they used to roost in the willow tree and call (some would say screech) in the mornings making a terrific racket!! Fun to have around but when they nested on the ground having laid eggs under the hedge they were at risk from foxes so we did get through a few peahens. Amazingly you can get them mail-order!!

Flattened on the floor, both Rameses and me (to the amazement of some passers by), it does rather appear that he's looking down my cleavage! Well... nope - just think he was nodding off in the heat. Though you can see a little sparkle in his eye! :))


Well 1 year on, am I sticking with blip for another blipping year?

You bet I am! :)

Enjoy the sun and as one blipper always says.........'Carry on blipping' :)))

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