Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

29. Lately

This photo is in memory of the late Allan Simonsen, who crashed fatally just minutes before I took this photograph. I didn't get a picture of the car he was driving, and all of my other Aston Martin shots are too blurred to make out but it would seem strange to post a picture from the 24 hours of Le Mans without mentioning the tragedy.

This Ferrari came 5th in the GTE pro class.

I also want to mention that I totally missed the BEST photo opportunity today. I saw a driver in all his gear lounging just meters behind me with his family, then posing for press photos. I thought he looked a bit like Patrick Dempsey. Bash was trying to pull his ear defenders off so I gave up trying to take a photo. Didn't figure till afterwards that he WAS patrick Dempsey - had no idea he was in to motor sport!! He was driving a Porsche. Is there nothing the guy can not do??! I hear he was a pro skier too.

Boo and Bash had a great time, although myself and Bash only managed 8 hrs of Le Mans as baby was not too keen on his ear defenders. Boo and Daddy slept for 4 hrs and then went back for more. Boo also had a go at slam dunkin' with some 'crazy dunkers' who were doing a display of their trampoline basketball skills. Also, this is the only event I have ever ever been to where there is not a single person in the queue for the ladies loos but the gents queue is vanishing off into the distance. Win!

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