Double Shot Mummy


All Aboard the A380 for NZ...

17 hours.... meh. We've done 28 from the UK to NZ with 8 then 11 month old twins and this went noticeably smoother. The flight was direct, with a one hour stop in Sydney. Oscar and Bailee were angels for the first 13 hours to Sydney. They played with their toys, ate airline food and watched tv. I had to rescue Oscar several times as he escaped upstairs to the Business Class bar, but that was as 'bad' as it got. Oh, and Maple, she slept in the sling and fed the whole time.

The airplane food wasn't good for Oscar and he vomited EVERYWHERE just before we landed in Sydney. I should have chosen the gluten free option but was worried about how palatable it would be for them. After that the twins were VERY grumpy as of course, Bailee didn't sleep for the whole flight and Oscar had a mere 30 minutes not long after we departed from Dubai. They were tired.

We arrived dazed and exhausted in NZ. The sun was out and the air felt chilly. I straight away noticed the lack of sand and the huge amount of space and green that replaced it. Everything seemed so quiet and there was not a sky scarper in sight.

It of course, is always amazing to reunite with the grandparents. We love to show them off and for them to see how much our cherubs have grown. Apparently Oscar and Bailee have stretched right up since they last saw them!

We all arrived in Papamoa and enjoyed a yummy dinner prepared by Nanny Sweetman. Great to be home, it has been over 2 years.

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