jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Little friend

My boys are obsessed with flies. It started with Bear, who has slowly but surely shown Bean (and me!) that creepy crawlies and bugs and beetles are ok. So Bear (1.5yo) would chase flies around the window if one got into the house, desperate to touch it. Bean (4.5yo) thought this was a fun game and learnt not to be scared of flies! They've learnt to be gentle, and as much as we don't like flies for various reasons they're still God's creations and my boys are teaching me to be respectful of all life. Including flies. Generally speaking anyway... Today they chased this fly around, and Bean managed to touch its back and said it was furry! Then it decided it wasn't scared of Bean and hopped on his finger for five minutes :)

Creation Station for me this morning. Cornflour gloop, couscous, ricepops, glue, paint - MASSIVE amount of fun, and I still can't believe I've not played with cornflour gloop like that before!!

Then home and laundry, tidying up, laundry, play with the boys, laundry, collapse, eat dinner (blessed with a fresh dressed crab again today!! Yum!), drive boys to sleep, watch the sun set over the downs, home, transfer boys, attempt crochet, give up, go to bed...

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