Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

My First Blue

We should have been away by now, camper van packed, everything checked out and ready for the off about 2 hours ago.

Best laid plans not working to timetable. Our daughter , just back from her holiday , is coming here to look after Oscar , her dog , and our grandson while we head off into the glorious sunset. However the Loch Lomond road and the Rest and Be Thankful always sem to get caught up in delays. We'll be off as soon as she arrives ( well , a wee bit later as we'll all want to catch up over tea/ coffee in the garden.)

Grandson and pals have just headed back down to the loch with the dinghy, all clad off course in life jackets wih warnings to keep them on and stay safe.

In a way it was a bit lucky that we weren't working to plan as we had lunch by the garden pond while we waited. I was thrilled to spot this wee beauty on the reeds by the pond, it is about 2 cm wide and was so tricky to blip as there was a breeze ; had to keep the shutter half down and wait patiently for the breeze to die down. As a result it's not as sharp as I would have liked but I love the colours and the detail so just had to share it with you. The first time I have ever spotted a blue butterfly. I looked it up but all I could come up with was " Adonis Blue" which can't be right as they are supposed to be native to S. England. Any help with ID please.

Thanks for any help with this and apologies if we are away before I get the chance to respond to any comments. We won't have any internet connection but will be back in a couple of days for an appontment before heading off again if this wonderful weather keeps up.

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