Light & sight

By CameronDP

Dreaming at midday

So there I was today, sitting in the sun during my truncated lunch hour, wondering whether anything blip-worthy would present itself.... Would it be a second no blip day? Would I wake up tomorrow and discover the last year and a month on this site had all been a strange dream? Andy Murray said he was afraid to go to sleep on Sunday night in case he woke up the following day and discovered it all had been a dream and that was a thought I could relate to.
I was saved a from blip-livion when I leant back and looked up. There was nae doot aboot it: there was a giant snowy sky rabbit hopping excitedly across the blue towards a bowl of crunchy sky rabbit morsels, long ears blown back by the jet stream. Naturally I thought of these two furry footballs . Today's blip was meant to be....

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