My Long Term Memory

By marinakari


Things To Remember:
-Pack suitcase for week holiday in Paphos, Cyprus
-Double check My Girls packings
-passports and air tickets
-Baby M's photos from Christening
-mum and dad!
-cat's food
-double check passports and air tickets
-sun block!
-route to cousins house
-route from cousins house to sister-in-law's house
-triple check passports and air tickets!
-take at least one photo
-get some sleep!

Going off to Paphos, Cyprus for a week holiday: Me, My Girl, My Sister-In- Law and Her Friend. Flight is set at inconvenient time, had to be at 04 am Tuesday in Helsinki- Vantaa- airport, so going to try sleep few hours at My Sister-In- Law's. Couple hours drive to airport from home. Only 20 min drive from Her home.
On our way we'll make stop to drop off photos I took from baby M's christians last weekend to my cousin. Hoping to get some coffee there! And before that quick stop at my parents... they will feed us for sure!

I'm so stressed always before departures ... million things to remember!
It sure is nice to have this holiday!

In photo My Girl is showing how we feel- excited to go!

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