Holiday preparation

Holiday shopping
Holiday haircuts
Holiday balloon (ok, well free with the haircut)
Play in the rubble

Don't they all look happy??

This time tomorrow we'll be on the plane.

Over the last couple of months I have been wondering what to do with this journal. Many of the 558 entries I have now done are pictures of the kids and more of a "family album" than a guide to where I've been and what I have seen. And to be honest I quite like it that way. I like it for the memories it captures for us but also because it has been a great way of keeping in touch with friends and relatives who we don't see often enough but at least this way they get to see us (if they want to!!).

At the same time it seemed such a shame not to share more of what I see on a day to day basis here in Moscow. I tried to combine both at first but there is so much to show and I found that the little day to day details of the family life were being lost.

So, just over a month ago I started a second journal - this one here will remain my "family album" which is not to say that there won't be some other shots recorded here, as before but the second one - that you can see here will purely show life out and about. I started with the main sights you would want to see if you came to Moscow (and I have tried to be as informative as possible) and then there are more street scenes, shots of buildings I like etc etc If you want to start at the beginning, make yourself a nice cup of tea (or pour yourself a large glass of something) and click here. If you just fancy a browse through the photos without the commentary you can see them all, and more, on my flickr photostream - here.

Anyway, I hope you will keep looking in on us here every now and again and when I think there are any spectacular things to see over on the other journal I will try and provide a link.

lots of love xxxx

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