
By FourLittleBells


We did it! Up very late last night finishing the giraffe, which included a lot of painting and a bit of technical engineering with a packet of lasagne and some duct tape. And repainting the tiger costume for Lily.
Poor Gordon was left with the three little Bells, costumes and face paint, while I had to go off and do my lifeguarding exam, which had been moved to Saturday due to the examiner not being able to make it on the Friday as planned. (Grrrr).
I met them all at the primary school playground, where everyone was gathered for the competition. It was a great event, and Rohan got third prize, losing out to a boy dressed as a chef with some pizza boxes stuck to the back of his scooter. We were robbed!! It's clearly a local thing for local people!! Not that we're bitter.

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