Last Light on Aoraki

Tiny Tussock reporting

Christchurch was kinda fun. The bosses had to leave early to go to left handed hand shaking practise so The Boss loaded up the camera pak and went to the estuary where the light was delightful. I had never been there and it was a lovely slightly chilly morning but almost windless and the water was covered with wildlife. They didn't look that angry actually and the swans were swimming, couldn't see any Geese laying but there were lots of quackers and gulls and other assorted feathers that would have delighted the Blip bird followers and actually (but please don't repeat this) The Boss was quite excited. Then we went and had coffee with Poo and Mrs Poo too. And The Boss did an iPad demo. Then we went to the Riccarton Mall to meet The Bossess. Golly this was just like America. There were lots and lots of people and a couple of littlelies at the next door table thought I was CUTE! Well...I suppose so. They couldn't be expected to know the very important place I hold in society, so I waved a paw. They thought that was even cuter but their Mum reigned them in after that so I just watched The B's eat a toasted sandwhich and other nice stuff. I handle this a lot better than big T you kno.

So the Blip was in the bag, so to mini bark, but as we came into the water view at Lake Pukaki the dying light was doing amazing things so The Boss put layers on (it was -3) and staggered down a bank with all the gear to capture this AND the Blip got upgraded. I confess to disappointment on this as I was looking forward to the swans but us stuffed mini dogs don't get much of a say. Aoraki is of course the Maori name for Mt Cook, New Zealand's highest mountain.

Careful that water is mighty chilly.
P.S. The hand shaking went very well I understand...What a relief!

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