Think different

By thinkdifferent

Big Fat Pidgeon

Visited the folks today and discovered that Mum has been overfeeding the local wildlife...again! With skills little found in a women in her sixties, Mom waged an incessant campaign against the Tali-moggie who tried to mark the garden as their own, no doubt driven by the unnatural amount of plump birds.

With small stones instead of Stealth Bombers and a water pistol replacing ground-to-air missiles it was a campaign marked only for being a little bonkers and leaving Dad grumbling that daily purchases of fat balls for the birds was not normal.

The Tali-moggie have long since gone and an ever increasing amount of bird-life have started using Mom's garden like Dominos Pizza. Chief among these is the bird known as Big Fat Pidgeon who waddles around safe in the knowledge that his biggest danger on any particular day will be how to lift his enormous bulk into his nearby tree.

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