Brechin Cathedral and Round Tower

Had a trip to Brechin today with friend George to have a look around the city where we were brought up 50 or 60 years ago. The museum housed in the old Town House tells the story of the city and also contains a fine collection of paintings and drawings by David Waterson. Despite some very good renovation of some of the buildings on the High Street, the place still has a very run-down feeling about it with many buildings in need of considerable repair...the old cinema, St Columba's Church and Maisondieu Church to name but three.

Brechin is a city of course because of its cathedral which is a fine church adorned with some beautiful stained glass windows. Equally prominent and important is its Round Tower, one of only two in Scotland, the other being in Abernethy. The tower dates back to around 1100 and would have served both as a bell tower and a place of security and refuge. The tower is in very good condition but it is no longer possible to climb it.
This image is of the west facades of the buildings

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